Gratitude for Happy life

Inspirational Quotes About Gratitude – A Key to Happy Life

Gratitude for Happy life

Hello and Thanks for having access to and reading this post. It is the major mission of this site to improve our stock of VALUE in life. To win in life, we need to be more valuable. There are very many simple ways to add more value to our life and we will be looking at them one after the other in each post. I encourage you to visit regularly.

Life is beautiful when it is lived to the full. One important quality of a full life is life full of GRATITUDE. Today We shall be looking at the top different inspirational quotes about gratitude by different great minds in history. Thereafter, we shall look closely on what Gratitude is really is through different definitions.

Inspirational Quotes About GRATITUDE

” Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation”.

Brian Tracy

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings”.

William Arthur Ward

“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls”.


“Give yourself a gift of five minutes of contemplation in awe of everything you see around you. Go outside and turn your attention to the many miracles around you. This five-minute-a-day regimen of appreciation and gratitude will help you to focus your life in awe”.

Wayne Dyer

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.

Melody Beattie

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others”.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them”.

John F. Kennedy

“The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy”.

Henri Nouwen

“The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude”.

Friedrich Nietzsche

“Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse”.

Henry Van Dyke

“Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone”.

Gertrude Stein

“When a person doesn’t have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity. A person can almost be defined by his or her attitude toward gratitude”.

Elie Wiesel

“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty”.

Doris Day

“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude”.

Brene Brown

“Of all the characteristics needed for both a happy and morally decent life, none surpasses gratitude. Grateful people are happier, and grateful people are more morally decent”.

Dennis Prager

“Perhaps nothing helps us make the movement from our little selves to a larger world than remembering God in gratitude. Such a perspective puts God in view in all of life, not just in the moments we set aside for worship or spiritual disciplines. Not just in the moments when life seems easy.”

Henri Nouwen

“When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in”.

Kristin Armstrong

“When you view your world with an attitude of gratitude, you are training yourself to focus on the good in life.”

Paul J. Meyer

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for”.

Zig Ziglar

From the above quotes by several successful world leaders, it is very clear that living a life of Gratitude increases our value in life. Life of Gratitude is life full of virtue and appreciation for what we currently have and creates room for more future abundance.

For more understanding of the word, we will look at how some powerful minds have defined Gratitude based on its importance to living a fulfilled life.


According to Webster Dictionary, “Gratitude is the state of being Grateful” Grateful Heart

One morality-based psychologist writes that:

“Gratitude is not goods delivered after payment. Gratitude is a form of generosity, of graciously crediting the other for something that was not strictly owed” (Roberts, 1991)

There are other similar words that can help us understand what Gratitude means. Words like;  acknowledgment, appreciativeness, thankfulness, gracefulness, gratefulness, grace etc.


According to Harvard Medical School, there is also health and emotional benefits that comes as a benefit of gratitude.

“A grateful appreciation for what an individual receives, material or immaterial. With gratitude, people recognize the goodness of their lives. Consequently, gratitude also helps people connect with something greater than themselves as individuals, be it another human being, nature, or a higher power”.

Researchers have shown that Gratitude as an emotion have so many benefit including;

1 – Creating Deeper Relationship – The world is lonely and we are all in need of warmth which good relationship brings. Gratitude help us to create better relationship with our creator, our environment and our loved ones. When we appreciate the good by others, their help in our life, it makes our relationship better.

2 Better Physical and Mental Health – A grateful life reduces stress which reduce depression because we do not feel lonely and unloved when we recognize the importance of the relationship we have around us. We do not expect so much from others but rather recognize the minor deeds and good done by others. Less stress improves health.

3 – Increased Happiness – Life full of gratitude is a life full of happiness because there is high level of optimism and self-control. We appreciate the little we have today and thank God for more to come.

GRATITUDE Is A Key To A Happy and Full Life

Dear friend, our goal on this platform is to make our life better by bringing to us different keys and ideas that we might usually overlook but which have the capacity to make us more valuable, giving us a boost and boom in all aspect of our life.

Practise the simple life of GRATITUDE daily and watch your life grow.

Thank you for your time here and I hope you enjoyed it. Please kindly leave your comment and questions below.




26 responses to “Inspirational Quotes About Gratitude – A Key to Happy Life”

  1. Stephen Peter Jones Avatar
    Stephen Peter Jones

    Hi There,

    I’m quite fond of Inspirational Quotes About Gratitude and always read them when I’m looking for the right frame of mind and even have some on my website for my audience to read through to help them find motivation. I was happy to learn who wrote the inspirations so that was good as I can always relate to them someone said that …….. and so on thanks for teaching us about them.


    1. admin Avatar

      Thanks Steve for your great comment. Inspirational Quotes are great source of daily motivation which we seek to add more energy to our motivation. 

  2. Faheem Avatar

    I agree, gratitude applies to many things. Gratitude for God. Gratitude for parents, family, friends…
    I would say that the opposite of gratitude has to do with arrogance. What do you think? When you do something for someone, and he is ungrateful it’s like he’s saying what you did is not good enough for me. I deserve better. “I don’t need to thank you”. Or not even that, maybe some people will be ungrateful exactly because they feel entitled to be given things. The same thing. “I don’t need to thank you.”

    1. admin Avatar

      Yes Faheem, arrogance is opposite of gratitude. This is a negative emotion that does not lead to a happy life. Life of arrogance is life of ungratefulness. Thanks so much.

  3. robertmccarty Avatar

    Life is certainly put into perspective with authentic gratitude.  I try to think about the wonderful things in my live as a way to reflect on life and remain calm during the turbulent and anxious moments.  I love the quotes included in this post, these authors have a way and eloquence that far exceeds my ability to express gratitude.  Everybody should visit this site and really ground themselves for emotional and physical well being!

    1. admin Avatar

      Well said Robert. Gratitude help us to overcome turbulent moments and different seasons of life. It helps us to remain calm when things are uneasy. Thanks for your inputs.

  4. Pranali Avatar

    Very well said!! Gratitude is what keep us going in whatever situation we are. Being greatful about what we have is the key to happiness.  You are right about how we overlook this simple concept in our life and keep regretting what we don’t have than what we do have. With current situation with coronavirus worldwide, I have started realizing importance of what i have and started appreciating it more. Thank you for reminding it again. Good timing for the post. 

    1. admin Avatar

      Thanks Pranali, gratitude is a very important key to conquering the present crises of Corona Virus. We appreciate what we have more now and give thanks daily for life. 

  5. Betek Cecilia Avatar
    Betek Cecilia

    Ungrateful attitude has cause a lot of destruction in our society. Being grateful creates positive enviroment hence making like easy and beautiful.

    1. admin Avatar

      Thank Betek for your ideas. Ungratefulness is a danger for humanity.

  6. Chinwe Chilakah Avatar
    Chinwe Chilakah

    Hi Joseph. Thanks for your thought about gratitude. this is highly motivational and a food for thought.

    1. admin Avatar

      Thanks Chinwe for your review and positive thought.

  7. Ann Avatar

    Hi Joseph! You’re so right. I like the quote from Zig Ziglar. But I absolutely loved Melody Beattie’s quote.

    I know it has a positive effect in many areas: it gives us better health, builds stronger relationships. But I think it’s true value is that it genuine makes us happy. Once we discover the real reasons to be grateful (and we all have them), then it transforms our lives.

    1. admin Avatar

      Thanks Ann. Zig Ziglar is a unique guy any day. Gratitude is a simple way everyone can use to create massive self improvement. I appreciate your great comments.

  8. Tom Avatar


    What an interesting and great post. I am very much into the motivational and inspirational space and I love quotes from past motivational people. I am a leadership coach, and the quotes you have discussed above, I am definitely going to share with some of my people. Especially the people who are most in need of motivation.

    Thanks for sharing, and keep up the great work.

    All the best,


    1. Joseph Avatar

      Thanks Tom. Motivation is really important at this time of global pandemic.

  9. Jeff Avatar

    I found your post on inspirational quotes about gratitude to be very motivational, and in today’s society, we naturally seem to focus more on what we don’t have than what we have to be happy for.

    Great post

    1. Joseph Avatar

      Thanks Jeff.

  10. Trevor Avatar

    What a terrific collection of motivational quotes, really like them. With so much “negativity” in the world right now, its great to have the balance of such positive and motivatonal quotes. I particularly like the ones relating to Gratitude. So very true. Have a great day and keep safe.

    Best REgards,

    1. Joseph Avatar

      Thanks Trevor

  11. U. Wjtera Avatar

    I love the new gossip. Yes keep spreading the ‘gratitude’ gossip.

    1. Joseph Avatar

      Lol…Thanks. I love your passion.

  12. Kevwe Avatar

    To be the best version of yourself is to live you, that don’t be afraid of what people will say about you but it should be what you will say about yourself, you must be happy all the times so that you can live a fulfil life that will please no man but only yourself. You must visit your friends regularly most importantly those people that always brings joy and happiness to you .  for you to live a peaceful life you must have a good meditation such that you can easily ease your stress away and be free from things that will bring you down.

    1. Joseph Avatar

      Thanks Kevwe. It is so true that we should not live by the expectation of others but by looking inwards to what makes us happy. Cheers.

  13. Joseph Stasaitis Avatar
    Joseph Stasaitis

    Gratitude is so important in our lives in order to live fully. When we appreciate what we have as well as what is on its way to us, we are able to embrace the moment and make the most of every second of our lives. It is not only about what we receive but what we share. When we develop ourselves, we become the person who is able to handle more responsibility, whatever that may mean. We are then capable of being of true value to others, and assist them in increasing areas of their lives. These are all magnificent quotes on gratitude said by some of the most prominent thinkers of our time and times gone by. Gratitude is definitely a form of generosity to others as well as ourselves. There are unlimited benefits to gratitude. Thanks for all the wonderful reminders and I look forward to your future articles.

    1. Joseph Avatar

      Thanks Joseph for this great contribution. It is very true as you have said, life is not all about receiving but sharing also. The benefits derivable from gratitude is numerous. Please visit for more inspiring articles in the future. Cheers.

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