change your thoughts

Ways To Overcome Stress. – Change Your Thoughts.

ways to overcome stress

Stress is one topic that is mostly talked about but always misunderstood. It is the root cause of several illnesses and this affects people of all class all over the world. Having some ideas of ways to overcome stress can help us live a more happy life. We can overcome stress by changing our thoughts pattern.

Stress is defined as the imbalance between the demands of the environment and the personal requirements, capabilities, resources of the individual.

Let us have some insights on stress from some prominent quotes by great leaders.

Some Popular Quotes On Stress

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”

William James

“In a storm of struggles, I have tried to control the elements, clasp the fist tight so as to protect self and happiness. But stress can be an addiction, and worry can be our lunge for control, and we forget the answer to this moment is always yes because of Christ.”

Ann Voskamp

“The truth is that there is no actual stress or anxiety in the world; it’s your thoughts that create these false beliefs. You can’t package stress, touch it, or see it. There are only people engaged in stressful thinking.”

Wayne Dyer

“Getting stress out of your life takes more than prayer alone. You must take action to make changes and stop doing whatever is causing the stress. You can learn to calm down in the way you handle things.”

Joyce Meyer

“A lot of times, people have something that they’re afraid of. They’ve got a client that’s mad at them. They’ve got a project that’s due. And they let that stress hang over their head. I don’t let that happen.”

Jocko Willink

“To be a champion, you have to learn to handle stress and pressure. But if you’ve prepared mentally and physically, you don’t have to worry.”

Harvey Mackay

“Stress is the reason for crime and all other kinds of frustration. To relieve it will eliminate everything else”.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

“Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.”

Hans Selye

“If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.”

George Burns


How To Eliminate Stress Permanently


Causes Of Stress

  • Finance – Lack of enough money to take care of lifestyle and desires.
  • Relationships – We have issues with our relationship that results in stress.
  • Children – They are not behaving the way we want them to act.
  • Business and Career – We want to achieve certain goals in our business and career.
  • Health – Illness and disease is a source of stress to our lives.
  • External Pressures and our desires. Several events in life like Covid-19, our high desires are also a source of stress.

Overcoming Stress

  • Value the Growth not necessarily the Goal. As we journey in life towards our goal, we stress ourselves by focusing and thinking only about our final goal thereby not enjoying the journey towards our goal. Celebrate the small achievements you make as you work towards your goal. Whether we win or not, Value the better person you become from the experience you have gained.

  • Befriend life and things beyond our control – We try all the time to control our universe and control things that happen to us. We want to control our environment rather than befriending our environment. Trying to take control of the outcome, events and results of our actions in life give rise to a lot of pressure and stress on us.

  • Live in Gratitude. This will help us appreciate what we have and praise God for it instead of stressing on the goals we have not achieved.

  • Live Real not Artificial Life. When we focus on living a real life, it eliminates a lot of stress. Some of us live other people’s life, some live on expectations instead of what is real. Focus on your current privileges and you will have less stress.

change your thoughts and overcome stress

Having a simple and positive outlook about life and living our lives believing that God is in control of the universe and enjoying our victories along the journey as we pursue our goals eliminates the stress of life. We can control actions but mostly outcomes are beyond our control. When we succeed, celebrate but if we do not succeed, it is good for us to value the growth we have achieved and move on positively.

Please remain safe and help someone around you overcome the challenges of Covid-19.

Kindly leave your comment and contribution below and please share the article with your contacts, it might help someone at this trying time.

Cheers and bye for now.



16 responses to “Ways To Overcome Stress. – Change Your Thoughts.”

  1. Paula Avatar

    This was a great article and really important right now, Joseph. I loved the quotes. I’m a fan of Dr Wayne Dyer. I like that quote especially. I also loved the point that there is no stress or anxiety in the world, we create it with our thoughts. It might be something to think about when I am feeling stressed or anxious during this COVID time. Thanks so much for this article. I really enjoyed it. 

    1. Joseph Avatar

      Thank Paula for contributing. I am happy you enjoyed it also. Our thoughts have a lot to contribute. Despite the challenge, letting our mind to only focus on things we can control goes a long way to easing out stress. I really appreciate. Cheers.

  2. Justin Eberly Avatar
    Justin Eberly

    Great article! Especially needed right now with the time we are in with the virus spread throughout the world and causing excessive stress to many people, including the doctors and nurses helping fight this.

    I have found that getting enough quality sleep at night can help reduce stress and making myself stop worrying about things that are out of my control.

    1. Joseph Avatar

      Thanks Justin. Sleep is also a very good way of getting relief from sleep. The problem is that stress most of the time deprives us of sound sleep. Thanks for your contribution. Cheers

  3. Gloria Ngozi Orji . Aka De Babe Avatar
    Gloria Ngozi Orji . Aka De Babe

    You really hit the nail on the head. We import stress in our lives because we want to live ahead of God. “Give us this day our daily bread”, no we want to have today, the daily bread for five years yo come. My philosophy, hypertension is incurable, so I decided not to acquire one rather multiple it to whoever or whatever want to give it to me.

    1. Joseph Avatar

      Thanks De Babe. It is good to know that we are not in control of outcomes of events in life. We can control our actions but we cannot control the outcome. I am really happy for your contribution. Thanks and Cheers.

  4. Chinwe Avatar

    Wow!!! Thanks for this wonderful article, is on point. Stress indeed kills but most times been cause by humans. We can kill stress by controlling our emotions and things around us especially the way we think. This Article is an eye opener. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Joseph Avatar

      Thanks Chinwe, stress is a silent killer. We usually magnify the pressure in our thoughts, creating imaginary image that is not existing. I appreciate. Cheers.

  5. Rashad Karimov Avatar
    Rashad Karimov

    Thanks, Joseph. I find Religion as important way from reliving from stress. Being a Muslim I read about the lives of different Prophets (Jesus, Joseph, Moses, Muhammad (peace been upon him and his family) from Holy Koran and Hadeeses and find out that what we call as a Stress cannot be compared to real stress of those people and how they overcome those situations. In addition to that, I do agree that one should get enough sleep during the day in order to be stress resistant. Doing Yoga is Meditation can also be supportive in handling the stress.

    1. Joseph Avatar

      Thanks Rashad, religion help us to believe that there is a controlling Power outside ourselves which is in control of the universe. That knowledge is a major factor to our peace of mind in the mist of challenges. Enough sleep helps but sometimes, stress deprives us of good sleep. Thanks for your good contribution. Cheers

  6. Agbaraevoh Joseph Obioha Avatar
    Agbaraevoh Joseph Obioha

    This is a welcomed piece this time we are faced with so many challenges of life.i have learned to take things one at a time to avoid been consumed by what am chasing after and to trust GOD the author and finisher of our faith.

    1. Joseph Avatar

      Thanks Obi, it is so true to rely on God knowing that He is in control of the our lives and the universe. Allowing God to take charge of outcomes beyond our control is a great way of overcoming stress. Also, it is good to be very grateful for what we currently have as we pursue our goals and dreams in life so that we do not over stress ourselves. Thanks for your contribution. Please always visit for more articles.

  7. Felicity Ozueigbo Avatar
    Felicity Ozueigbo

    Mr. Joseph thanks for this piece. Stress is actually what I call Mind battle, that when it creeps in and your not mindful of it , it takes over all your thought pattern, destroying every cells, tissues, organs and the rest. If not checked it can last for years making you a slave to fear, worries and various sicknesses.
    I have also come to know that, stress can be overcome by positive thinking, singing and meditating on the word of God.

    1. Joseph Avatar

      Thanks Felicity on your contribution. It is so true that stress is the battle of the mind. When we take control of our mind and thoughts, we have won over stress. The knowledge that God is in control of outcomes beyond us is key to overcoming stress. Thanks and Cheers.


    Great nuggets on how to overcome one of life’s threatening challenge STRESS, just as you have succinctly stated here sir, one unique panacea to overcoming it is tackling it from our mental psychology. I can see it as one of the best solution to tackling this issue, rather than looking at it from the physical lets tackle it from our thought processes.
    Kudos to you sir this is indeed a priceless piece

    1. Joseph Avatar

      Thanks Abraham. Tackling a problem from the root cause is the best approach because it eliminates the problem permanently. If we refocus our thought process, we will have less stress. I appreciate your contribution. Cheers

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